Breaking Ground, Breaking Cycles

Several weeks ago (before the rains started) the ground was hard as a giant chunk of rock. It was so hard it necessitated a sledge hammer to pierce anything into the unforgiving crust. Since then, as I mentioned, the rains have permeated the hard, angry floor and has softened it to a very amiable, dark, […]

Gratification: Redefined

As I look back through my photo library, I am able to see the timeline of change in the garden in its most raw form. It has now been seven weeks since our volunteer weekend with my family. We produced a fence, diminished trash piles, established garden beds, and bonded relationships. As far back in […]

Starts: Old, New, and Unfamiliar

My Thanksgiving trip to Southern California was a wonderful break from beautiful and now familiar Happy Valley – all 70 acres of it! Yes, it was a relaxing escape from day-to-day duties, and upon return, I have jumped back into the gardening game with more vigor and excitement. I suppose the life-time practicality and opportunity of designing […]