First week at HVCC!

My first week here at Happy Valley has been a week filled with adventure, fear, and excitement. I was marveled at the scenery of Santa Cruz the moment I stepped into the car and Tim drove on. This place is amazing! I have never been to California before and I have never seen Red Wood […]

Destroy and Rebuild Seems To Be a Recurring Theme Around Here

You’ll have to excuse my absence last week. I was experiencing some major technical difficulties importing photos to my computer, an inconvenience that frustrated me to the point that I nearly thought of throwing my inadequate computer machine. Please appreciate that I stood up and walked away from the problem rather than ensuing further damage. […]

Work Together For the Better!

Today was really exciting for me, aside from my personal successes of moving right along in my online courses. Wow, does that feel good! It was a great day because my loyal kitchen co-worker Louie joined me in the garden! Having other Happy Valley employees in the garden has multiple benefits: In three month’s time, I […]