As Reunion ended we prepared for another camp, working and helping out to clean up and take care of a few things before the next camp arrived.  We focused on things that needed more attention, such as the garden and our training in the pool!  Opportunity is coming.  Yet for myself, today was a glorious day to do nothing in fact it was my day off.

This morning I slept in and woke up to many notifications on Instagram. My partner in crime, Stanley, had thought it would be a great idea to take a picture of me nestled in my blanket.IMG_4581

As the day continued I wandered to the garden to find things finally growing in my plots. I found flowers, fruits, and vegetables were finally everywhere in the garden.


I started off my day with some work but soon I made my way upstairs to start planning a day out in Santa Cruz. We started out downtown, but quickly made off to the beach, where Stanley and I finished the day with a few great games of sand volleyball!


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